CNC Controls: Haas

Haas Mill Classic Controls: Program Storage 310

This class describes common methods for transferring and storing part programs on the Haas mill.

  • Difficulty Advanced

  • Format Online

  • Number of Lessons 13

  • Language English


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Course Outline
  • Objectives
  • Program Storage and Transfer
  • Storing Programs on the Haas Mill
  • Entering Part Programs Manually
  • Floppy Disk Operation: Loading
  • Floppy Disk Operation: Saving
  • Receiving Part Programs with RS232
  • Sending Part Programs with RS232
  • Direct Numerical Control: Activation
  • Receiving Programs with DNC
  • Direct Numerical Control: Restrictions
  • Terminology of Communications
  • Summary
  • Identify factors that determine program transfer and storage methods.
  • Describe the methods of transferring part programs to the Haas mill.
  • Explain how to use the Haas control to enter part programs manually.
  • Explain how to load a part program on the Haas control from a floppy disk.
  • Explain how to save a part program on the Haas control to a floppy disk.
  • Explain how to receive a part program on the Haas control using RS232.
  • Explain how to send a part program on the Haas control using RS232.
  • Explain how to activate Direct Numerical Control (DNC) on the Haas control.
  • Explain how to receive a part program with Direct Numerical Control (DNC) on the Haas control.
  • Identify the restrictions of DNC.
  • Describe basic communication concepts related to part program transfer and storage.
Vocabulary Term

abnormal stop

An irregular means of halting a part program during the machining process.

addressed data

Part program data consisting of alphanumeric CNC codes. Each code consists of a letter and number combination.


The display key on the Haas control that shows the current alarms when pressed once and messages when pressed twice.


A key on the Haas control that replaces the item highlighted by the cursor with the text in the input buffer.


American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII is a standard governing information exchange.

baud rate

The number of changes per second to the media being transmitted. Also called the signaling rate, baud rate is measured by the number of signaling events per second.

binary digit

Bit. The smallest unit of information on a computer.


Eight bits.

computer-aided manufacturing

CAM. The use of computer software to aid in the design of manufacturing processes.

data bit

In data transmission, a "1" or "0" that represents the most fundamental unit of information in a digital system. Bit is shorthand for "binary digit."

data rate

The speed at which data is transmitted. Also called the bit rate, data rate is measured in bits per second (bps).

direct numerical control

The direct control of CNC machines by a central host computer. With DNC, the program is run directly from the memory of a host computer and is not stored in the memory of the machine's own control.


The use of DNC on the Haas control in which the control executes one block at a time from the RS232 port.


An operation mode key that allows manual editing changes in a program or the creation of new program memory.

electronic transfer

Any method of sending and receiving part programs on a CNC control involving either floppy disk, RS232, or direct numeral control.


Setting 55. A setting that controls DNC capability.


A character that marks the end of a part program block. An end-of-block character is represented by a semicolon (;) in a part program.


A key that tells the Haas control, while in LIST PROG mode, to save a particular program to a floppy disk.


A key that tells the Haas control, while in LIST PROG mode, to call up a particular program stored on a floppy disk.


A key used to select either Program Review or Background Edit in the MEM mode and PRGRM display of the Haas control.

floppy disk

A 3.5 inch plastic device that stores programs and computer information magnetically. Standard removable floppy disks hold just over 1MB of data.

floppy disk drive

A computer peripheral that reads magnetic data from a floppy disk.


A custom Haas canned cycle used to machine a bolt hole circle.


A custom Haas canned cycle used to machine a bolt hole arc.


A custom Haas canned cycle used to machine bolt holes along an angle.


A custom Haas canned cycle used for a high speed peck drill canned cycle.


A key on the Haas control that inserts the text in the input buffer after the current cursor location.


An operation mode key that lists programs and allows an operator to select, send, receive, and delete programs.


A miscellaneous code that signals a program end and rest. M30 is associated with Settings 2, 39, 56, and 83 on the Haas mill control.


A miscellaneous code that calls a subprogram during part program execution.


An operation mode key that runs part programs from the control's memory.


Microsoft Disk Operating System. A computer operating system for personal computers, which has largely been replaced by the more common Windows operating system.


A simple error checking system used in serial communications.

part program

A series of numerical instructions used by a CNC machine to perform the necessary sequence of operations to machine a specific workpiece.


The display key on the Haas control that causes program blocks of the active part program to display on the screen.


A key that initiates the reception of a part program from the RS232 serial port.


A reset key that stops all machine motion and places the program cursor at the top of the current program.


A serial interface standard specified by the Electronic Industry Association for the interconnection of devices. The Haas control can send and receive part programs using RS232 standard connection cables.


A key that activates a program in the LIST PROG operator mode on the Haas control.


A key that initiates the transmission of a part program out the RS232 serial port.


The display key on the Haas control that lists settings when pressed once and presents dry run information when pressed twice.

Setting 55

ENABLE DNC FROM MDI. A setting that controls DNC capability.

start bit

A bit indicating the beginning of a data stream or the start of a byte of data.

stop bit

A bit indicating the end of a byte of data.


A key on the Haas control that acts as a general enter key.


An error-checking file transfer protocol that sends data in 128-byte blocks.